Here you will find a range of video tutorials and supporting information to guide you through some of the more common problems and questions that you may encounter.
An excellent guide to focus stacking by Nigel Wells.

How to add info to you exhibition images
How to install Affinity Assets, Brushes and Luts into Affinity Photo
How to clean your sensor
Installing the Niks Collection into Affinity Photo.
Download Niks for Window PCs here
Since the new Affinity Photo software was introduced there is one question that has been asked again and again ‘can I get the Niks software to run in Affinty’. The answer is ‘Yes’ and here is a simple way to do it.
Next, open Affinity and go to the top of the screen and click ‘edit’.
Scroll down to the bottom and click ‘preferences’. This will open a window of icons. Just click on the icon that is titled ‘Photoshop Plugins’.
In the next window click ‘add’ and then go to your folder ‘program files‘ and open it.(c:/program files) Then find the folder ‘Google’ and open this (c:/program files/Google). Now just click ‘select folder’ in the bottom right. This will take you back to the previous ‘preference’ window. Now make sure that the box ‘Allow unknown plugins’ is checked in the bottom left.
Click ‘close’. this will prompt you to restart Affinity. Do this and hey presto your lovely Niks collection is now showing in the plugins folder under the ‘filter‘ menu on the top tool bar.
As with all new things I can’t guarantee this will work for everyone but give it a try and let me know. If you’re a Mac user I’d be grateful if you could let me know where the Google folder is to be found for future reference.
Thanks and Have fun!
Addition. Since the release of Affinity 2 the above process is exactly the same though the graphical layout will look a little different.
How to rename your pictures for submission.
To streamline our classes and to help identify which images belongs with which class and photographer please follow the simple video guidleines below.
For those of you who are already familiar with batch renaming your images then use the following sequence.
The first letter should be in caps and should identify which day your class takes place i.e. M =Monday, T=Tuesday and F=Friday. This needs to be followed by an underscore.
Second is your surname followed by an underscore and lastly the number of the image. It should look like this:-
M_surname_01, M_surname_02 etc, etc.
How to batch rename your photographs for submission.
How to resize your photographs for submission