Personal projects
Colin Beattie
“Every day we walk, run, drive past objects or scenes which are in plain sight but which have become invisible to us, either because they are literally hidden, such as the old Newgate tip, or because they have become “the norm” and no longer cause us to stop and think. Many of them are reminders of the damage to the environment that future generations will have to deal with or are so permanent that they cannot be removed yet by and large are ignored and their original purpose forgotten or misunderstood.”
Claire Alcock
Loneliness is a wide and complex subject, and it is important to remember It can strike anyone, at any time, young, or old, and happen for a mirade of reasons, such as : grief, mental and or physical health problems mobility issues, ageing, retirement, losing your job, location isolation, loss of network of friends, it can also be transient, or last for long periods. .
Whatever the cause , it’s shockingly easy to be left feeling alone and vulnerable, leading to feelings of invisiblity and disconnection to the outside world,
For my project I decided to concentrate on loneliness in the elderly.
‘All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong” ?…very simple… here, for they are us….’
John Stuart
Mary Dolan
Mark Thompson
First thing I see each morning, a changed view every day.
The Old grindstone, a reminder of work when growing up, and later.
Girls on tractor and trailer, latest of many kids who have enjoyed this ” playground”. Nice to think that the girls learnt to drive here, one of life’s useful enjoyments.
Pear tree, Mum’s ashes buried here, under her favourite type of fruit tree, just as she wanted.
Current view of house, can’t see it changing much again, not while I’m here.
Caroline Nevill
John Ramsey
The creative intent was to capture the beauty of flowers and to use post production techniques to try and represent the ephemeral nature of their beauty.
I’ve today sent an updated version of the slides used We Transfer – principle changes are removal of the boarders and reduce the file size.
‘I think the projects are great and a testimony to both the group and your unstinting encouragement’
Vijaya Nagarajan
Aging has limited my mobility, but the camera has always been with me to record anything interesting that catches my eye. I found myself finding meaning in objects that I passed every day in my perambulations. Why and what drew me to them time and time again.
The resulting images could appear depressing at first sight but I felt that for me I was recording moments that gave me happiness and understanding of my surroundings, for example, nature’s beauty in a tree that had almost a human form shown here wishing to flee beyond the fence. A sunrise, dreaming of a bygone holiday, long shadows fenced in, the pleasure of receiving a visitor albeit-a pigeon.
All these images represent some form of my feelings during this period of my life.
- Dreaming of a bygone holiday
- Rusty lock & gate of the Mind
- Morning light
- Comfy chair!
- Fleeing
- Visitor
- Acknowledging the stick
- Shadows & Fences
Val Bown
Fiona Boden
Steve Horner
Nigel Wells
Sports 2023
I love sport, I’ve played various sports all my life, I enjoy watching sport and with my photography, while I enjoy a variety of different genres, Sports Photography is my main passion. I love that while you can prepare and set yourself up to try and get a good image, you really don’t know exactly what is going to happen as the action unfolds in front of you. So, it’s a big ongoing personal project, and each year I set myself new personal gaols, it could be to nail the “perfect” shot in a sport I’ve tried many times before; to try a new sport I not yet photographed, or to capture the intent and effort the competitors put into their sport. These are a selection of the images from sporting events in 2023 up to mid-June as there is still 6 months left in the year.
Ruth Turner
Having been almost housebound for the last 4 months I haven’t been able to get out with the camera
so there was no way I was going to make a Personal Project of new images.
So I decided to expand my button pushing in Affinity and explore editing techniques………..!!
When it comes to editing I’m known for not wanting to spend time on the initial process. However, I’ve
discovered that I do enjoy manipulating pictures (and yes, I realise this is still editing!!) in order to
make new creative artwork.
My Personal Project has become a series of these techniques. Inspiration has been gleaned from
paintings, artists, photographers, t’internet………….and, of course, Teech.
Here, I’ve gathered together a few of my favourite examples.